It is a crime to spread defamatory lies about someone. In every part of the world there are precise laws which punish the violation of this principle and theoretically defend the credibility of the information. But when the same lie is told from a large number of different and seemingly independent sources, it is almost impossible for the slandered to know whom to defend against. Then this lie remains in a kind of limbo: The information is still false, but it does not disappear from the media scene. In fact, they become an integral part of it, even offering a semblance of credibility to the sources that spread it.
When, as in this story, someone has an impressive number of sources under control telling converging falsehoods, each repeating a particular lie and stirring up an endless chain of cross-affirmations, a defamatory media campaign could succeed, no matter how big the lie is absurd may be – especially when these sources, obviously enemies of transparency, appear as advocates of independent information, i.e. NGOs.
On July 19, 2020, the journalist Raul Redondo published an article against Qatar on the electronic pages of “Atalayar“, the largest and most famous Spanish blog specializing in independent information about the Iberian Peninsula, the Maghreb and the Middle East[1], whose source is the well-known German newspaper “Die Zeit“[2]. The content of the story goes as follows: Redondo argues that a Qatari charity (with the express permission of its government) is funding the militarization of Hezbollah in Lebanon[3].
According to Redondo, the German magazine has evidence that a freelance secret agent named Jason G was involved in an illegal arms trade between Doha and Beirut and that he promises not to divulge his secret documents in this regard. After meeting a member of the Qatari government in Brussels, he pocketed 10,000 Euros a month for over a year and ultimately refused to sell his archive to the Doha government for 750,000 Euros[4]. An archive that Jason G said would also contain evidence of Qatar’s direct involvement in circumventing the embargo on Iran[5]. The publication in “Die Zeit” is from July 17th, 2020[6]. The one on “Atalayar” is from July 19th, two days later[7].
The “Atalayar” puzzle

The Moroccan Embassy in Madrid
Those who write on “Atalayar” as well as “Mediapart“[8] in France or “Gli Stati Generali“[9] in Italy generally do not receive any compensation, but “Atalayar” has an important sponsor: The Moroccan embassy in Madrid[10]. The newspaper was founded by an authoritative freelancer, Javier Fernandez Arribas[11], who owns 100% of the shares through Norte-Sur Media & Comunicacion SL Madrid[12]. Mr. Fernandez Arriba is the former vice-president of the APE Asociacion de Periodistas Europeos (which despite its apparently international name is an extremely Spanish organization and of which King Filipe VI is the president[13]). APE produces many seminars and essay materials, and its main sponsors, besides the Spanish royal family, are: the oil companies Repsol and Iberdrola, Coca-Cola, the Spanish Ministry of Defense, the banks BBVA and Santander, the telecommunications giant Telefonica[14].
All of this makes the shoulders of an online magazine like “Atalayar” extremely strong because it places this media actor at the center of Spain’s political, financial and industrial power. In this context, Raul Redondo acts as one of the editors of both the blog and the magazine, which is published monthly in print[15]. However, unlike other similar newspapers, “Atalayar” does not publish photos, biographies or contacts of many of its editors.
Because of this, it is impossible to determine the identity of this one employee. For over a year, Raul Redondo has published at least one article a day – almost always to denigrate Qatar, Iran, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood or to glorify Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and far-right parties within the European Union[16]. From this it can be concluded that the positions of Redondo correspond to those of the editorial team – and that therefore the political position of Morocco, which “Atalayar” officially supports, is the same as that of Redondo.
But why should the Rabat government pay for an online magazine that denigrates Qatar? Morocco has carefully tried in the past to maintain a clear equidistance between competitors in the Cold War that broke out in the Persian Gulf[17]. Qatar is one of the Rabat government’s main trading partners[18]. As of November 2011, Qatar has granted a $ 2 billion loan to support the Moroccan economy[19]. Two years later, in December 2013, Doha donated an additional $ 1.25 billion to help tackle the unrest related to the Arab Spring[20].
When the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia declared an international embargo on Doha in June 2017, Morocco intervened with humanitarian aid[21]. When King Muhammad VI. reacted with anger due to some Al Jazeera programs defending the rights of the Saharawi people in Western Sahara[22], the cooperation between the governments worked perfectly: after a political intervention, the television station adjusted the setting and declared that Qatar was not pushing for the claim of the people on the Polisario Front[23].
Soon after, Qatar publicly endorsed Morocco’s bid for the 2026 World Cup (which the UAE and Arabia did not)[24]. For example, King Mohamed VI, who had intervened in the war in Yemen alongside Riyadh and Abu Dhabi, withdrew his army “for humanitarian reasons“, and then, when Saudi Arabia began to criticize the media in defiance, the King of Morocco shouted returned the ambassador to Saudi Arabia to his homeland and brought relations between the two countries to the lowest point in centuries[25].
The secret connection to the ECCI

Saâd-Eddine El Othmani, Chief of the PJD
At least officially. In February 2019, some leaders of the PJD – the ruling party in Rabat – who had been dismissed following internal party feuds, declared that the PJD would be funded with funds from Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia[26]. These statements sparked an earthquake that did not end until Prime Minister Saâd-Eddine El Othmani publicly denied any connection between the PJD and Qatar and between the PJD and Turkey. But not between the PJD and Saudi Arabia[27]. This is not surprising given that one of the PJD’s historical leaders, Mohamed Louizi, is one of Qatar’s fiercest critics[28].
The original article published in “Die Zeit” contains further details. The story hit the editorial staff of the German magazine because Jason G had met Michael Inacker in 2017, a former journalist who has worked for an important PR company, the WMP, for several years, which Jason G accompanies to several meetings with German intelligence officers Jason wanted to sell the dossier to – for 10 million euros[29].
Because they were not interested, Inacker and Jason G met an envoy from the Doha government in Brussels in February 2019[30]. After Qatar apparently paid large sums of money to Jason G (for which there is no evidence), WMP signs a deal with two clients: Jason G’s small company and a Dominican Republic-registered offshore company (whose name will not be disclosed) which, according to the WMP, would hide the Doha government[31]. In relation to this contract, WMP will provide a receipt for an advance payment of 15,000 Euros[32].
As the story was discovered to be a fantastic lie, WMP was forced to cut ties with its main client: the government of Saudi Arabia[33]. On July 22nd, the weekly newspaper “Stern” published a completely opposite story. The story was reinvented from the ground up and part of a smear campaign orchestrated by someone (perhaps the Saudi government) to damage Qatar’s international image[34]. “Stern” could not identify Jason G, but at least found out who orchestrated the entire defamatory operation: a certain Jassim Mohamad, director of the ECCI (European Center for Behavioral Control and Intelligence Studies)[35], a mysterious organization whose headquarters are only one in a Germany Mailbox[36].
ECCI is definitely a website that is originally in Arabic and later translated into German and English[37]. Jassim Mohamed is an accomplished security and espionage expert who grew up in Libya (“Stern” believes he is an Iraqi[38]) and is now fully involved in the negotiations on political and military balances in Cyrenaica and Tripolitania[39]. In Europe, his name was launched by the “Die Referenz” portal belonging to the CEMO Center d’Etudes du Moyen Orient SAS Paris, the most important diplomatic propaganda group against Qatar in Europe[40]. It is not known where Jassim Mohamed lives, it is secret.
Incidentally, “Stern” claims, Jassim Mohamed is a politician, close to Edmund Stoiber, the head of the right-wing Bavarian CSU party, and some German captains of industry who are obviously defending and promoting interests in Libya as well as in the rest of North Africa and the Middle East[41]. According to “Stern“, Jassim Mohamed would be close to Mark Domfried, who is said to have initiated the connection between the Moon sect[42] and a secret support for this sect by Saudi Arabia[43].
Another recurring signature of “Atalayar” provides new explanations for this. According to an article by the editor Henar Hernandez, a young employee of the magazine who graduated in late 2018 and has since been an expert on Libyan and Turkish topics[44] on behalf of and on behalf of the newspaper of Javier Fernandez Arriba[45]. In February 2020, Henar Hernandez (with Emirates TV Al-Aan as the sole source[46]) tells an extraordinary story: Turkey, Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood are said to be active (together) in Libya by funding rebel military groups and dismantling pharmaceutical product factories in order to bring them to Turkey; in addition: financially manage the secret money of Fayez Al-Sarraj and the United Nations-recognized government in Tripoli and arm an army of 11,000 Turkish mercenaries who will soon fight to complete the Turkish military invasion of Libya[47].
The real epicenter of this article is the confirmation that the very weak government of Al-Sarraj, is defended by the United Nations and supported by several European and Middle Eastern governments (including Qatar and Turkey, but also Italy, France and Germany), while the Emirates, together with Egypt and Saudi Arabia, without hiding, support the Benghazi rebels led by Khalifa Haftar with arms and money and try militarily to terminate the agreement internationally in order to pacify Libya[48].
In this context, the strangest thing is that Spain has always officially and loyally supported the government of Tripolitania, under the leadership of Fayez Al-Sarraj[49]. It is therefore not clear why and in what name Javier Fernandez Arriba and his editors started the opposing media campaign, and one wonders what the opinion is about Spanish oil companies like Repsol[50] or perhaps Coca-Cola[51], which are present in Libya and sponsor the Asociacion de Periodistas Europeos, but also work in the Libyan desert and invest billions of euros in oil drilling in this country, among other things.
An inseparable system of Chinese boxes

Romeo Firoz Kadir
Fact is that ECCI is registered in the Netherlands rather than Germany and this name is just a trademark of Integrity Solutions in Finance Waddinxveen (a village of 25,000 inhabitants at the crossroads of The Hague, Rotterdam and Utrecht). An association that was founded in August 2005 on behalf of the Surinamese lawyer Romeo Firoz Kadir[52] without share capital and offers the following services: “Professional advisory and technology office in the field of integrity in the financial markets, provision of legal and management services for newborn companies“[53].
Integrity Solutions’ official documents contain dozens of alternative trademark names that could potentially work simultaneously and create the appearance of a globally unique propaganda campaign[54]. Kadir has several clients for whom he plays the role of asset trustee[55]. According to the data he himself entered on his Linkedin page, he is currently teaching cybersecurity at the University of Utrecht (Holland) and that of Padjadjaran (Indonesia)[56]. All the information that doesn’t make it clear at all what economic and technological strength ECCI and the entire galaxy of related companies are building. Kadir has published a book on aerospace, espionage, and financial technology that looks at modern techniques for collecting sensitive data from satellites swirling around the earth while teaching at Leiden University[57]. That’s it.
The oldest company connected to Romeo Kadir’s personal office near Gouda is KLegal, which was founded in May 2001 in Amstelve, Dominican Republic. We don’t know if this is the company Jason G claims to have an offshore account with in the Caribbean. We just identify it and add it to the dozens of acronyms advertised by Integrity Solutions in Finance[58]. Another acronym used by Kadir is the Corporate Compliance Academy Press, which published one of Kadir’s books in 2010[59]. There is a third title on Linkedin: the IBI Islamic Banking Institute[60], which also has a Facebook page[61]; We did not find any of the other acronyms[62].
This means that they are not (yet) doing any activity. In trust studies, founding companies have been registered for years without a purpose and without owners, waiting to be used by a customer. This way, when the customer needs one of these companies, they will find it ready and, moreover, with a date of birth that is older than the birth of the professional relationship between the customer and the trust company. Nowadays this doesn’t fool anyone anymore, but the practice has become a tradition. Romeo Kadir went one step further and dared a new solution: a single company that provides multiple trademarks without the customer being forced to own a company and therefore with the least amount of transparency.
In the case of ECCI, the solution worked: if someone were to take this acronym to court, asking them to respond to any falsehoods reported in the press, they would not really know where and who to ask. With regard to the website, it appears from the whois inquiries (the registry or the organization providing the domain service) that the “real” property information is kept secret in accordance with international data protection laws[63]. The same question again shows that the provider of the domain service (provider) is Hetzner Online GmbH Gunzenhausen (Germany), a company specializing in this type of service[64]. The information obtained from the site’s IP address ( shows that it is stored on servers in Munich and Nuremberg[65].
The very political question remains: why did the Moroccan government act in such a subtle way, contrary to the stance that has been in place for years in the smear campaign against Qatar? Is there any other force that is still invisible that is driving the ECCI and the people associated with it and maybe even the “Atalayar” publications?
The cherry on the cake

The terrible explosion in the Beirut port area on August 4, 2020
Despite the fact that the truthfulness of the Jason G story was already weak in itself and had further lost credibility in the days following its initial release on August 6, the conservative American television channel “FoxNews” published the story of the secret dossier on Qatar Funding for Hezbollah[66], and the editors claim they saw a copy and spoke to Jason G[67]. This adds the tremendous weight of the political and editorial strength of “FoxNews” to this propaganda operation by deliberately creating a new publication (i.e. in parallel with the terrible incident in Beirut[68]) and adding some fundamental elements for the success of a smear campaign that is immediately recognized by everyone related to the CEMO Center d’Études du Moyen Orient in Paris[69], which is at the center of the organization of the global campaign to defame Qatar[70]. Whatever is coming out of that edge, this will be taken up and redistributed.
We list the main points: a) Jason G would have shown the editors of “FoxNews” a few documents showing how Hezbollah is preparing an attack on 10,000 American soldiers stationed in the United Arab Emirates on the orders of the Qatari government[71]; b) Donald Trump has been saying since 2017 how dangerous Qatar is in supporting terrorism[72]; c) The fact that the US President recently changed his mind is due to the manipulation of a huge lobbying campaign by the Qatari government[73]; d) French Senator Nathalie Goulet, known to be associated with Saudi Arabia[74], gave an interview to “FoxNews” and reiterated Jason G’s allegations[75]; e) A British politician is quoted, Ian Paisley Jr., who head-on attacking the government of Qatar, which he defines as “outrageous“[76], but forgets to mention that Paisley had to resign in 2008 for corruption[77] and, subsequently re-elected, (due to his role as a lobbyist on behalf of Sri Lanka) was suspended for corruption[78]; moreover, because of his hatred of ethnic minorities and homosexuality, Paisley is still an extremely controversial figure[79]; f) The “Die Zeit” investigation will be linked to the trial of some New York attorneys who represent the families of American soldiers who died in the Middle East[80] and who filed criminal lawsuits against Qatar and some of its financial and charitable institutions in June 2020[81]; g) and it is finally argued that the final proof of the correctness of this fairy tale comes from a testimony of an important character whose name is hidden: an official of the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Berlin[82]. This article was signed by Jonathan Spyer, one of the most famous Israeli commentators, who always tries to make credible the existence of a large anti-Semitic coalition led by Iran, Turkey and Qatar[83], as well as the existence of a Palestinian conspiracy led by Hamas, which could wipe Israel off the map and is even protected by the “stupid forbearance” of the United Nations and many Western countries[84].
As usual, the Doha government is not responding to this campaign. And because of this, everyone who designs and manages it, is becoming more and more cocky, reckless, and direct. In this way, public opinion, particularly in Europe, Israel and the United States, is increasingly being led to believe that this small Gulf state is the epicenter of evil. And if we remember Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and Muhammar Gaddafi’s Libya, we all know what the military consequences of the propaganda campaign were.
[1] Una rivista fondata nel 2012 dal giornalista freelance Javier Fernandez Arriba (, e controllata dalla Norte-Sur Media & Comunicacion SL Madrid, una società editrice con un solo azionista, Javier Fernandez Arriba (
[15], page 5
[34] Ein Geheimdienstmann, der PR-Berater und die Frage
[35]–der-pr-berater-und-die-frage–wer-vom-schweigegeld-profitieren-wollte-9345952.html saved as Ein Geheimdienstmann, der PR-Berater und die Frage
[38] Ein Geheimdienstmann, der PR-Berater und die Frage
[39] ;
[41] Ein Geheimdienstmann, der PR-Berater und die Frage
[43] Ein Geheimdienstmann, der PR-Berater und die Frage
[52], page 14
[53] Integrity Solutions in Finance Waddinxveen
[54] Integrity Solutions in Finance Waddinxveen
[55] ; ; ;
[57] Romeo Kadir, “Debt Security Interest Compliance: Legal Compliance Position of a Dutch Lender (mortgagee) in (structured) Lease of Aircraft (equipment) and Space Assets”, University of Leiden, Leiden 2008
[59] Romeo F. Kadir, “Compliance, bonussen & corporate governance: professionele kwaliteiten van corporate compliance”, Corporate Compliance Adademy Press, Leiden 2010
[62] Integrity Solutions in Finance Waddinxveen
[69] ; ; ;
[70] ;
[74] ;
[77] ;
[78] ;
[79] ; ;
[81] ;
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